Another new shop opens on East Main

23 Nov


Tomorrow, as you may know, is Small Business Saturday. Today, many of you are planning to brave the Black Friday crowds and traffic (or already have). But I’m planning to save most of my shopping dollars for the small businesses in our village — and others — who can use our support. 

My first stop tomorrow will be Lala: Laugh and Love, Always, the Village of Webster’s newest (and one of its cutest) shops. 

Lala opened this week at 38 East Main Street. I stopped by to check it out when I was in the village the other day, curious about this new shop which seemed to appear out of nowhere. 

The first thing I noticed when I walked through the door was how awesome this store smells. It was like … walking into a cloud of beautiful aromas, emanating from the array of personal care products that line the walls, shelves and counters of this gorgeous new shop. 


Owner Lisa Schlonski (left) and good friend Rhonda Pacher in the shop. 

Lala is first and foremost a gift shop. But owner Lisa Schlonski — a long-time Webster resident herself — sees it as something much more. She’s created what she hopes is a one-stop shop for people who really want to take care of themselves, physically and emotionally. 

“It’s all about being calm,” Lisa said, “trying to pamper yourself a little bit, with products that are good for you.”

People are really striving for better health these days for themselves and their children, she added. “They’re conscious about what they put on their bodies… I enjoy trying to find those products that help with that.”

So at Lala you’ll find a beautiful variety of oils, soaps, candles, lotions, balms, and bath products. But you’ll also find neck and shoulder wraps, baby products, infuser jewelry, gourmet teas, and unique inspirational items like crystals and angels. There are even some journaling supplies and a rack with crazy socks. 

Basically, there’s something for everyone. 

There’s even something special about many of the vendors. Lisa searches out those businesses that give back to their communities, and support causes that make the world a better place. It’s a decision she made very early in her planning for Lala, and which in part came out of her own devastating life experience: the loss of her husband three years ago.  

“Part of my journey since then has been to find products and work with vendors that are trying to be helpful,” she said. “I want things that are unique. I don’t want things that are sold everywhere. The goal here is work with local vendors and also with vendors that have a great story.” 

It’s not even a week old, but I can say right now that Lala: Laugh and Love, Always is a wonderful addition to the village. It’s exactly the kind of shop Webster needs a whole lot more of: a place which invites people to just wander in and browse, and maybe find a nice little gift which you wouldn’t find anywhere else. 

So stop in, either on Small Business Saturday (tomorrow!), or maybe during White Christmas in the Village on Dec. 1, or some other time. You’ll be glad you did. 

In the meantime, here are a few photos to whet your appetite: 

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2 Responses to “Another new shop opens on East Main”

  1. Myrna Miller November 26, 2018 at 5:55 am #

    Congratulations Lisa!!
    I’ll make it a point to stop in when in your area.
    Best of luck!
    Aunt Myrna

  2. Barbara Flanders November 26, 2018 at 6:25 pm #

    Lisa has a talent for creating flair and smiles. I’m sure this store will be a delightful addition to Webster’s Main Street. Lisa’s joyful personality will make your visit lots of fun .Don’t miss the experience!

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