The 2024 grad parade was extra special for one former teacher

14 Jun

I’ve written many a time about the graduate parades that happen every June at the end of the school year. It’s a day when our Webster Thomas and Schroeder seniors hop on buses and return to the halls of the elementary schools where they began their Webster school careers. This year the parade took place on Thursday, June 13.

This is always a highly anticipated event, a meaningful way to celebrate our seniors and remind them how far they’ve come. There are always lots of hugs, and more than a few tears shed from teachers when they recognize their former elementary students, now adults.

But this year’s parade at State Rd. Elementary School was especially poignant.

Now-retired State Rd. Elementary first grade teacher AnnMarie Johansson brought this story to my attention. Among this year’s seniors are the first graders she had back in 2013. That year, Johansson also had a 20-year old student teacher, Joanne Krutchen, whom the students affectionately called “Miss K.”

That summer of 2013, Miss K was in a terrible accident. She and four of her friends — now known as the “Cal-Mum 5” — were driving along North Rd. in Wheatland when their car was broadsided by a tractor trailer. Joanne survived, but three of the young people died.

Johansson wrote,

I remember watching the news and seeing the report of the accident. I saw Joanne’s name and my heart sank. I immediately messaged the parents of my students in case word got back to them. All of our hearts were broken, but we were going to support Miss K. 

In the ensuing months, the students and their families came together to show that support. In September the kids held a lemonade stand at the Joe Obbie’s Farm Market and raised more than $2600 to help pay Miss K’s medical bills. (Complete with hand-made t-shirts and posters — check out the photo slideshow below.) And that Christmas, they devised a 12-days of Christmas theme gift for her, featuring a different hand-crafted gift for each day.

It’s been 11 years since Joanne Krutchen was the student teacher in Johansson’s classroom. But Miss K never forgot those students who were so kind to her. And on Thursday, she was one of the honored guests as those first graders, now Webster Schroeder High School seniors, returned to State Rd. Elementary.

Krutchen staked out a spot right by the school’s main office to greet the graduates as they filed by. There were a lot of hugs and, yes, some tears.

“These kids did a lot,” she said. “They made a huge impact on my life. And at that age to go above and beyond … It reminds me there’s still good in the world after such tragedy.”

By the way, Miss K is now Mrs. Hammond. She’s a special education teacher in the Le Roy Central School District. Less than a year and a half after her accident, she ran a half marathon. (Read the D&C story about that here.) She married her high school sweetheart, and has two little girls.

And she still tells people about when her former students gifted her with the 12 Days of Christmas so many years ago, when she really needed their love and support.

Here’s a slideshow of photos from the lemonade stand, and the class photo from 2013 (courtesy AnnMarie Johansson):

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(posted 6/14/2024)

2 Responses to “The 2024 grad parade was extra special for one former teacher”

  1. Valerie Wahl June 15, 2024 at 8:00 am #

    Such a beautiful touching story! I always Love State Road School’s spirit, and as an alumni and also a Mom who’s kids went there! Love Mrs. Johansson’s effort to make this happen for Miss K and to capture the pictures and story for us to read. Thank you!

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